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Delaware Statewide Independent Living Council Welcomes New Executive Director!
Hello Kathryn!
The Delaware Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Kathryn Burritt as its new Executive Director, effective January 2, 2024. We are excited to have Kathryn lead our organization and contribute their expertise and passion to empowering individuals with disabilities across Delaware.
Ms. Burritt has experience establishing and launching innovative pilot programs, community and stakeholder collaboration efforts, and resource development. Notably, Ms. Burritt has demonstrated a strong commitment to advocacy and policy change through her work in the Delaware non-profit sector for the past twelve years. We are confident that Kathryn’s dedication to leadership, peer support, and self-determination will align perfectly with the SILC's mission.
Kathryn said: “Thrilled to be here is an understatement. I felt instantly connected to this organization's mission and vision and was eager to work with this amazing council. This is an important year for the SILC and the State of Delaware. We are developing the Statewide Plan for Independent Living, also known as the SPIL, for our state, which will guide our intentions for the next three years. I encourage you to review our findings, attend one of our upcoming feedback and listening sessions, or reach out to me directly with any input or ideas. I want to challenge you to get involved and consider becoming a member of the SILC. We are volunteer-driven and emphasize inclusivity and acceptance. I look forward to working with you in the future and am enthusiastic about the path the SILC is on.”
The SILC transition team conducted a comprehensive search process and was impressed by Kathryn’s qualifications and vision for the organization.
The SILC council is eager to collaborate with Kathryn and continue advocating for the rights and independence of individuals with disabilities in Delaware. We are confident that she will lead the organization to new heights and further its impact on the community.

Goodbye Debbie!
On behalf of The Delaware Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC), it is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that we announce Debbie Bain's departure as Executive Director of The SILC effective February 15, 2024. Since December 2020, Debbie has played a critical role in the organization's growth and success, serving as our first executive director. Under her leadership, the SILC established a solid foundation by ensuring compliance with federal mandates, establishing policies and procedures, launching extensive outreach strategies to promote win-win collaborative ventures with other disability organizations, and initiating viable committees focused on tangible outcomes. Debbie embraced the ‘power of WE’ by establishing a team mentality working closely with the members of the council, community partners, college interns, and volunteers.
Sandra Farina, DE SILC Chairperson, explained: “Debbie has been integral to the Council’s evolution. We thank her for her leadership, vision, energy, and immense contributions that helped build our Council. Key initiatives led by Debbie focused on our needs and assessment process to garner consumer input for our State Plan, launching of the Innovative Venture Grant, and establishing the Public Health Workforce pilot project - these have fueled the SILC’s capacity to serve as a catalyst for change and a mover and shaker in the disability community.”

Quote from a member
The SILC’s Secretary, Blake Roberts, reflected: “Having been part of the Council before and during all of Debbie’s tenure as Executive Director, I have seen the Council flourish under Debbie’s guidance. Her support was crucial to the Council’s growth. I look forward to the new Executive Director, Kathryn Burritt, continuing the Council’s work in her own unique ways.”
Reflections from Former Executive Director
Reflections from Former Executive Director
Debbie will be greatly missed by the Council members and partners. While we will miss her spunk and leadership, we wish her the best as she pursues retirement and her next adventure.
When asked to reflect on her term with the SILC, Debbie shared: “It has been a wild ride. Challenging, exciting, rewarding, and an awesome learning opportunity for this old gal. I have been truly blessed to work with such a tremendous team and given the opportunity to use my creative talent to forge new partnerships and establish new initiatives. I look forward to a continued role as a volunteer on the SPIL GPS Committee – this will allow me to see this major project to completion. “
Debbie is thrilled to pass the baton of leadership into the capable hands of Kathryn Burritt. “Kathryn has the capacity to take this organization to greater success. I couldn’t hope for a better successor.”
Videos created by our council members
There are two ways to access these videos. There is an embedded player for each video. Press the "Play" button. Or, use the "Watch on YouTube" link to play the video on YouTube.
Description of the first video:
The "Inspiring Lives" video focuses on the importance of independence, advocacy, and inclusion. These messages are in the voices of Delawareans with disabilities.
Description of the second video:
The "SPIL" video discusses the importance of Statewide Independent Living Councils, the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), and feedback needed from stakeholders to create goals for the SPIL.